- The best 2D CAD
- Math expressions
- Tables
- Charting
- Image manipulations
- 2D structural analysis
- Fiber cross section analysis
- DXF® import and export
The user starts with a blank screen, a field wide open for creative ways of formatting your presentation, whether drawings, calculations, or graphics for a report without constraints. One of the novel features of Sketchulation is the ability to create a set of expressions (displayed in standard math script) with sample inputs that together form a template. This set of template expressions can be referenced in a table, so that each row invokes the template and runs calculations using different inputs. This is a powerful means to avoid errors that often occur in opaque spreadsheet calculations. The power of Sketchulation derives from the ability to create links among various entities. For example:
- One may trace a shape of the floor of a building from an old drawing scanned and imported as an image.
- This shape may be queried for its geometrical properties such as area or rotational moment of inertia.
- These properties may be invoked by math expressions, performing whatever calculations the user desires, such as estimating the weight of the floor.
- This may be done for the various floors of the building, and each shape may be assigned a unique tag.
- The tags of the floors may be included in a table where the properties of each floor are summarized.
The capabilities of linking information in this way are limited only by your imagination.
Always free for students
Free, full-featured 30-day trial for everyone else
$1,500* per seat, per year (floating network license)
System requirements: Windows® 10 or 11, 8gb. RAM, 2gb. disk space,
.NET 4.7.2 or later, internet access to activate the software
Current Version: 2024.08.05.00
What our customers are saying
- The price listed above is for a single seat for 1 year.
- Please contact us to inquire about multi-user and/or multi-year licenses: info@tippingapplications.com
- Prices are subject to change at any time.
- A 3% processing fee will be added to invoices paid by credit card.